T O P I C R E V I E W |
dazb |
Posted - 31/08/2009 : 10:34:29 I thought i would post these pictures showing why I think guards are essential.
I know this is a corn snake and not a royal, but all snakes in my opinion have the capability of doing this at some point in there lives...
If this was a unguarded lamp it could have resulted in the corn being burnt very badly if it had decided to wrap round the lamp and stay there...

20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Lotabob |
Posted - 20/07/2012 : 23:14:34 Yeah the sides of it was warm but didn't burn the tea towel but as soon as the bottom bit touched me I dropped it because the heat in that bit was red hot. Its also made me question my guards they have 1cm clearance around the bulb and 2 at the bottom but their tongues are longer than that, so at the moment I'm worried about that and working out a way to extend the guard or recess the bulb holder into the wood. |
Cookie |
Posted - 20/07/2012 : 22:58:26 Jebus, they must hold the heat for some time! Just goes to show if it can damage the carpet after this time, imagine what it would do to your snake if it wasnt guarded! |
Lotabob |
Posted - 20/07/2012 : 22:31:24 Going to share a small picture to show the danger involved in ceramic bulbs. Fear not though the carpet in question was of the floor covering variety. I was moving vivariums around and needed to move the a 100 Watt bulb. I switched it off and let it cool for 20 minutes, I unscrewed it with a tea towel as it was still warm on the edges, I got it out and then the bottom bit touched my hand and burnt me, instant reaction was to drop it, it landed bottom down and burnt my carpet.

This bulb was not running at full power due to the stat and had been switched off for about 20 minutes as well. |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 20/07/2012 : 22:03:39 iv made 2 now, and think there pretty easy to make. im sure i took pics of the first one i was making as a guide but dont know if iv still got them pics but will have a look. iv made 1 smaller guard for a 100 watt ceramic and one very large gueard for my 250 watt cermic recently. it cost me 6 quid to make both of these, and i can make them to the exact size i want. |
Cookie |
Posted - 20/07/2012 : 19:56:16 Yea, I read and watched a few videos on how to make your own, and it 'looked' easy, but I just know I wouldnt have the patience at all lol. So instead I got one off ebay, and im well chuffed with it. Well made, and even has wee neat latches to open at the bottom for easy access. So Im a happy camper!
For anyone else looking guards, you can try and make one, but its definately easier and better looking to get one online as Kelf suggested. |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 20/07/2012 : 19:31:13 They're a pain to make, I tried myself with a few different materials and just gave up, threw a hissy fit, binned the material and bought one online. Much easier ^^ There is a website (www.customguards.co.uk) which are good, I got mine made to size by ReptilesInk over on RFUK though. |
Cookie |
Posted - 29/06/2012 : 10:25:13 Does anyone know of any easy ways of making a gurad? I've never seen them in the reptile shops before... |
daz2708 |
Posted - 28/06/2012 : 23:50:01 i remember when i got my first royal sorted the viv out everything spot on infared bulb hidin places guard so on!! but left such a gap my snake got trapped up the side of th guard!! i'm just glad i checked on her spent the next hr tryin to get her out!! safe to say i havnt made that mistake again guards are a must just make sure they cant get stuck behind them!!:) |
ShadEO9 |
Posted - 05/04/2012 : 18:51:14 quote: Originally posted by BurnedAtTheStake
Aww - only 10 days to go! I'd feel the same!
I'm counting down the days! 
n/a |
Posted - 05/04/2012 : 18:20:23 Aww - only 10 days to go! I'd feel the same! |
ShadEO9 |
Posted - 04/04/2012 : 22:53:20 Chief is sadly still in my local pet store waiting to come home on my birthday which is the 16th April. Well I say local. The pet store is like an hour away but I cant seem to help but visit him most days. Hes such a friendly lil guy I'm itching to have him home now. As soon as he is I shall post up a new photo and a very excited post to match :) |
n/a |
Posted - 04/04/2012 : 18:30:55 PS - do I see a new arrival on your sig? When are you going to announce Chief??? Are congrats in order?  |
n/a |
Posted - 04/04/2012 : 18:28:24 I think you need to make 50 posts - you'll get there - seems like only yesterday I was enjoying teasing the mods and being an irritating little snake mite lol! |
ShadEO9 |
Posted - 04/04/2012 : 10:10:31 P.S: When will I shake of this 'Snake mite' title?? Lol |
ShadEO9 |
Posted - 04/04/2012 : 10:09:22 quote: Originally posted by Pythonwizard
do you need a light bulb i have just got heat mat
Yeah I had the same with my Corn snake Shorty. And will have exact the same with my Royal too. I don't think bulbs are essential. Most use them as a sorce of heat more than anything else. |
prozacbear |
Posted - 12/06/2011 : 07:58:06 Guybrush loves wrapping around his guard (although only when the light is out) I'll try and get some pics later. |
Pythonwizard |
Posted - 05/06/2011 : 17:37:03 yerr under the plastic |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 05/06/2011 : 13:42:06 If the heat mat is under the plastic not inside it then it'll be fine |
Pythonwizard |
Posted - 05/06/2011 : 10:13:53 i have only got young (royal CB2010 MALE )When should i get one it is when i get viv i have just got starter kit now which is pastic one with heat mat |
markmifsud |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 23:13:10 My two younger royals are always climbing around the guards, and always falling off with a THUMP lol. My older royals like climbing, but seem to ignore the guards. |